This site,, is our teaching site. It has been too long in the making. But here it is at last! is the reference site of the Lord's Witnesses.
This teaching site has around 50 lessons that take you through the basic (corrected, re-corrected and then corrected again) literal bible understandings of what we can scripturally prove is the 4th true Christian church, the Lord's Witnesses. Once you have read this site, you will have the understanding needed to progress to the symbolic bible code itself, which is presented in the reference site. Please do not feel that you have to be a bible expert in order to join the LWs. You are quite welcome to join us without reading any of our understandings. These websites are not examination papers, and neither are they irrelevant intellectual exercises. They are merely expositions of the literal and symbolic meanings of bible accounts as far as we understand them. But they contain mind blowing spiritual truths (as best as we can understand and present them). Both sites together are now so comprehensive doctrinally, that they answer most of the questions one would normally ask the local priest, who however well motivated will not normally have the correct answer.
The idea is that you read enough of them to see that there is a God and that the bible is written in a concentrated code by an intelligence far greater than ours. And that Adam was a real person, the progenitor of the present race of humans, who sinned and was condemned to death subject to a stay of execution for the length of his human life. Jesus gave his life to ransom Adam thereby releasing our patriarch and all of his genetic children from that one death sentence, which is encoded in our DNA, which we inherited from Adam. And that the kingdom of God, which we pray for in the Lord's prayer, is a real administration of faithful mankind by Jesus and the saints, which began judicially in 2008 and will be upon us physically in 2023. And that there are two presences of the Christ and two true Christian churches in each presence. And the we, the Lords' Witnesses, are the second church of the second presence, the 4th and last true Christian church.
There is a lot of information to consider. But there again, the bible was not written upon a postage stamp. This material is not set beyond the grasp of the human mind. But some of it is near the limit of our intellectual capability as one might expect from a God who is the father of all of our minds.
If you get stuck or can disprove any of our understandings, or just wish to discuss them please email us: help(at)
The Road Map: A quick walk through this site followed by a detailed breakdown of each section (a bit out of date).
i0 Why should I study the Bible, what use is that
old book to me in the 21st century?
i1 There is a God - His name is
Jehovah, Yahwey, Yihevuhe, Yihvuh
i2  Why did God create the Angels? Why did he create the universe? Why did he create us?
i3 The Armageddon Equation and the Corruption Equilibrium
i4 The Bible and its Translations
i5 Pre Adamic Man, Male and Female Angels, Angelic Procreation,
Pre-adamic Procreation, Post-adamic Procreation
i6 Who were Adam and Eve?
i6a The Gory Detail
of Original Sin
i7 The strange way the bible is
written: Cain and Abel, No man has ascended, Get thee behind me Satan, the sleeping spirit of
Jairus' daughter, Enoch was transferred so as not to see death and Paul's
spaghetti speech in Romans4
i7a Logical Pathways and one step thinking
i8 From Adam to Noah to Abraham to David to Jesus, The Patriarchs
i9 What is a Soul, What is a Spirit?
i10 Why do we die?
i11 The Holy Spirit is God's Wife!
i12 How is one born again without dying?
i13 What is physical death?
i14 What the Hell is
Why does God permit Demon Possession? Universal Salvation: God will save each
and every one of us. For God is love and love is salvation
i14a The
Inevitable Repentance of Satan
i15 120, 240, 480, 960 and indefinite lifespan humans
i16 Jesus is the
archangel Michael, Michaelmas is Christmas and Jesus came to earth before his ministry as Enoch.
Michael possessed Enoch
i16a The Deep
Meanings of the First Few Verses of John1
i17 Jesus was non adamic and created by in vivo fertilisation and genetic enhancement
i18 Gabriel was John the Baptist
i19 An introduction to Satan, Michael, Gabriel
i19a The first few verses of John 1
i20 Melchizedek was Cainan in the post flood system and Jared in the pre flood system
i20a Methuselah was the firstborn human son of the Archangel Michael
in Enoch. Melchizedek was Jared, the 2nd Adam
i20b Gabriel was the firstborn angelic son of the archangel Michael.
Abraham was also his direct angelic son.
i21 The 18+ non adamic humans (for more see U506
and U107 and U8)
i22 Satan, Judas, demon possession, Jesus' torture and the gifts of the spirit
i23 Satan is the ruler of this system of things
i24 Methuselah,
Jesus' first born human son, is the physical ruler of the next system of things, the Kingdom of God
i25 Monarchy, Democracy, Qualifying Democracy, Constitutional Democracy, Qualifying Constitutional Democracy, Qualifying Constitutional Meritocracy,
Qualifying Constitutional Philanthropocracy, Qualifying Constitutional Patriarchal
i25a Men, Women, Love and Power
i26 When Jesus gave his life for us, he became the second God to be worshipped like his father Jehovah.
i27 Our destiny is to become Gods like Jehovah and Jesus
i28 The 24 Salvation
1EC, 2EC, 3EC, 4EC, AFC, SFC, 1AC, 1NC, 2NC, ELC, HLC) Part1
i29 The Plan so
far for the salvation of Man and the Angels
i30 The Power of
the Law of Moses today, Observe the Sabbath, Obey the 10 + 2 commandments for
i31 The First New Covenant
i32 What exactly is baptism?
i33 The start and end of the 3 baptisms
i33a All Israel was entered into the law of Moses
at their first Passover aged 11 by Hebrew reckoning and baptised into the ICC at
the same time (unbeknown to them)i34 Loved Animals will be resurrected into the Kingdom
i35 The Second New Covenant (see also U11)
i37 The Lord's Witnesses, the church of the 2NC, the 4th true Christian church, the Church of 1000 corrected mistakes, Institutional Papal Fallibility
i39 The Top Ten Trinity Busters
i40 Why does
God not just tell us all the whole plan from start to finish in plain English or
Greek or Hebrew? Why is the bible not written in a way that everyone can
i41 When is abortion murder?
i41a How can one reconcile the vindictive God of the old testament with the forgiving God of the new testament?
i41b How can an omnipotent loving God permit so much pain and suffering?
i42 The real heavenly currency
i43 Get up, pick up your bed and walk
i44 Do you have to be a Lords' Witness to enter into the ark? Can gays be saved?
i45 The 2 presences of the Christ
i46 The 4 True Christian Churches
i47 The fall and
the fix of Adam and Eve
i48 The Hidden
Goal of the Hidden World Government
i49 The Brotherly
Love Covenant, the Philadelphia Covenant, the Jesus' Love Covenant, the 2nd Law
Covenant, the Omega Covenant, the BLC, PAC, JLC, 2LC, OMC
i50 Definitions
and Acronyms
i51 We are
all human angelic hybrids. Everyone borrows or owns an angel which is his real
time backup